Saturday, February 27, 2010

GEARS OF WAR @ UCI (March 1st-4th)


“Why Are We in Afghanistan?”
Monday, March 1st.
SSL 248, 5-7pm

Join us for a documentary screening looking at domestic pressures and geo-strategic interests that keep the U.S. in the Middle East, and the long history of U.S. foreign interventions that forms the broader context for this war. The documentary will be followed by a discussion and information about our week long events.

War Profiteering: UC Contributions to the War.
Tuesday, March 2nd.
SSL 248, 5-7pm

Come learn about the UC system’s complicity in the advancement of US imperialist interests abroad and a militarized economy at home. Join us for a panel discussion with professors Chuck O’Connell and Toshio Whelchel who will be talking about the UC system’s role in enabling the military-industrial complex.

Israel-Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid
Wednesday, March 3rd
DBH 1500, from 5-7pm

Join us for a panel discussion featuring Mais Jasser and Dick Platkin who will be discussing the struggles of the West Bank and Gaza Strip victims and the involvement of the United States in this campaign of theft and genocide.

Racist Exploitation and War
Thursday, March 4th
SSL 248, 5-7pm

Come learn about UC’s complicity in imperialist war, and how it profits from the suffering of soldiers and workers. Join us for a discussion with outsourced campus workers and students struggling against racist exploitation on and off campus.!/event.php?eid=495405995031&index=1


The UC's,CSU's, & CC's have organized March 4th as a CA-wide day of action. Campuses across California will be holding rallies, marches, strikes, walkouts, etc. What will you do?

All of us have been affected by the budget cuts/tuition hikes. Classes are being cut, our favorite teachers are getting their walking papers, and some of us will be dropping out of college due to the unjust fee hikes. On top of all this, UCI is destroying the families of the already super-exploited and outsourced campus workers. These workers, many employed 20+ years, are being laid off with no remorse from admin. They tell them, "We don't need you anymore", "Find another job", "It's not our problem". Is this how UCI should treat its students and workers?!

There is no place for apathy anymore. You have one of two choices: be an armchair activist or stand on your feet and fight with dignity.

The time for diplomacy has long passed. Direct action is our only alternative.

Rally at noon at the UCI flagpoles!!/event.php?eid=328111574719